Title: Cemetery Boys
Author: Aiden Thomas
ISBN: 1250250463
Publisher: Swoon Reads
Copyright Date: 2020
Genre: Fiction, LGBTQIA+, Paranormal Fiction
Format: Novel
Reading Level/Interest Level: Grades 8-12, Ages 13-18
Awards or Honors:
Pacific Northwest Book Awards Winner (2021)
Hugo Awards Finalist: Lodestar Award ( 2021)
Plot Summary
Yadriel knows in his heart that he is a brujo: the only problem he faces is convincing his Latinx family to accept his gender and welcome him along with the rest of the brujos in his family. When his cousin Miguel is suddenly murdered and no one can find his body, Yadriel teams up with his cousin/best friend Maritza to summon Miguel’s spirit and set him free into the afterlife, therefore proving his powers as a brujo.
Things go wrong when Yadriel is able to summon a spirit, but it’s not the one he intended. He summons the spirit of Julian Diaz, a boy he knows from high school, who is not willing to go quietly into the afterlife. Julian has a bucket list of tasks he wants to carry out before he will move on, and Yadriel is the only one who can help him do so. Yadriel agrees to their deal, but as their relationship grows, Yadriel starts to realize he doesn’t want Julian to leave.
Author Background
Aiden Thomas (pronouns he/him and they/them), much like their lead character Yadriel, is Trans and Latinx with a unique perspective on these two communities. A graduate of Mills College in Oakland, Aiden currently lives in Portland, OR. Aiden is the author of three YA novels, with his most recent, The Sunbearer Trials, forthcoming in September 2022 (Thomas, n.d.b).
Critical Evaluation
Cemetery Boys contained everything that is great about YA fiction. A strong, Trans protagonist with something to prove, supporting characters with sassy banter, and a rich cultural background that adds depth to the story are just a few of the aspects I loved about this novel and teens are sure to love as well. Yadriel struggles with his family accepting his gender, but this is not the main conflict in the novel. He also contends with the magic surrounding the summoning and banishing of spirits and what that means for Julian and they undertake their journey, as well as the action that unfolds at the ending of the book. Thomas incorporates a lot of Spanish phrases throughout the book while effortlessly providing the context and definitions for readers who
don’t know the language, adding authenticity to the characters and their heritage. The representation of the Trans community and Latinx community are excellent in this book, making it a must-have for any booklist looking to appeal to a wide variety of readers. Teens within these communities will hopefully be able to identify with the characters in this novel and see examples of overcoming adversity.
The only thing I had an issue with was the escalation of the stakes and the progression of the plot in regards to the ending. There is a portion in the middle that just feels like a buddy adventure story and I think we lose sight of the fact that Yadriel’s cousin is missing and he did originally want to try and find him. The novel gets caught up in the blooming romance between Yadriel and Julian, which I definitely loved, but the last section of the book really sneaks up on you and tries to pack a lot of plot into a short amount of time. I think I would have enjoyed the unfolding of the story better if the final plot points were spread out through the novel so we escalate in stakes a little more naturally.
Creative Use for a Library Program
The Legend of Bahlam as interpreted by the author plays a big role in this novel and the context behind Aiden’s family history and powers. To celebrate this story and give teens a creative outlet, stage a play of this tale, designed, written, and acted out by teens.
Speed-Round Book Talk
What would you do if you started to fall for the ghost you summoned and had to banish to the afterlife? In this paranormal, LGBTQIA+ novel with Latinx flair, find out what happens when a brujo and a spirit are unleashed on Los Angeles.
Potential Challenge Issues and Defense Preparation
Historically, I believe there have been challenges regarding material that has magic or any mention of witches or witchcraft, so I imagine that may be a similar issue with this book. I would actually argue that witchcraft is a legitimate form of practice and representation is always valid. Despite my speculations, there are currently no recorded challenges to this item.
Reason for Inclusion
This book has been on my personal TBR for a while and I was excited to be able to finally read and include it in this collection. The representation will appeal to a wide audience of teens and with great storytelling and lore, I think it is overall an excellent piece. I also found out recently that my best friend went to college with the author, so that was something I thought was very cool that I wanted to mention!
Droo216. (2021, August 25). My bookshelf {Image]. Tumblr. https://droo216.tumblr.com/post/660505979856863232/my-bookshelf-cemetery-boys-by-aiden-thomas-but
Lauderbaugh, M. (n.d.). Cemetery Boys art [Image]. Aiden Thomas. Retrieved from https://www.aiden-thomas.com/cemetery-boys
Rainbowdoodles. (n.d.). Cemetery boys fanart [Image]. Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/350928995975510944/
Rvebennett. (2021, October 25). @Novelsnet event 10: Ghosts — cemetery boys, by Aiden Thomas [Image]. Tumblr. https://rvebennett.tumblr.com/post/666031405745274880/novelsnet-event-10-ghosts-cemetery-boys-by
Thomas, A. (2020). Cemetery boys [Cover Image]. Swoon Reads. https://www.aiden-thomas.com/cemetery-boys
Thomas, A. (n.d.b). Media kit. Aiden Thomas. https://www.aiden-thomas.com/media-kit